Prerequisite Packages

The versions in Debian are all fine.

DJBDNS Package

At this point (Feb 2014), Debian only has a package in experimental, and it hasn't been updated in quite awhile. I (kbare) hacked on it a bit in order to make the packages for cclub.

My changes were:


If you plan on setting up both authorititave DNS (tinydns, axfrdns) and a DNS resolver (dnscache), you will need a machine/VM with two IP addresses.

Ensure the appropriate users (tinydns, dnslog, dnscache, axfrdns) exist on the system of interest.

To add them (only if they aren't already there!):

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grep '^[^:]*dns[^:]*:' /afs/club/service/etc/passwd.service >> /etc/passwd.system


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# This sets up a default tinydns (authoritative DNS server) service.  The 
# daemon will run as user tinydns, and logs will be owned by dnslog.  Files for
# the service will go in /var/tinydns.  The daemon will listen on «primary-ip».
tinydns-conf tinydns dnslog /var/tinydns «primary-ip»

# Prevent tinydns from starting until later in the boot sequence.
touch /var/tinydns/down
# Tell supervise about tinydns.
ln -s /var/tinydns /etc/service/tinydns

Cclub specific steps:

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# Setup cron jobs for syncing the database:
ln -sf /var/rsync/dns /afs/
crontab -e -u rsync
# Add the following (if it isn't already there), without the '#':
# 55 *            * * *   /afs/

# And do an initial run of the script to populate the rsynced copy:
su rsync -c 'cd && /afs/'

mkdir /var/tinydns/tmp
crontab -e
# Add the following (if it isn't already there), without the '#':
# 00 *            * * *   cd /var/tinydns/tmp && /afs/

# And do an initial run of the script to create the initial data.cdb:
(cd /var/tinydns/tmp && /afs/


Tinydns (and, for cclub, the relevant cron jobs) must be configured first. (Though, if for some strange reason you want to run axfrdns without tinydns, you can perform the tinydns setup and just prevent it from running.)

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# This sets up a default axfrdns (zone transfer/TCP DNS server) service.  The 
# daemon will run as user axfrdns, and logs will be owned by dnslog.  Files for
# the service will go in /var/axfrdns.  The daemon will chroot to /var/tinydns/root,
# where the database is located.  The daemon will listen on «primary-ip».
axfrdns-conf axfrdns dnslog /var/axfrdns /var/tinydns «primary-ip»

# Change to default-allow (TBD: maybe we want to restrict AXFR?):
echo :allow > /var/axfrdns/tcp
tcprules /var/axfrdns/tcp.cdb /var/axfrdns/tcp.cdb.tmp < /var/axfrdns/tcp

# Prevent axfrdns from starting until later in the boot sequence.
touch /var/axfrdns/down
# Tell supervise about axfrdns.
ln -s /var/axfrdns /etc/service/axfrdns


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# This sets up a default dnscache (caching resolver) service.  The daemon will
# run as user dnscache, and logs will be owned by dnslog.  Files for the 
# service will go in /var/dnscache.  The daemon will listen on «secondary-ip».
dnscache-conf dnscache dnslog /var/dnscache «secondary-ip»

# Increase the cache size.
echo 64000000 > /var/dnscache/env/CACHESIZE
echo 70000000 > /var/dnscache/env/DATALIMIT
# Enable the CVE-2008-4392 fix.
echo 1 > /var/dnscache/env/MERGEQUERIES

# Prevent dnscache from starting until later in the boot sequence.
touch /var/dnscache/down
# Tell supervise about dnscache.
ln -s /var/dnscache /etc/service/dnscache

Cclub specific steps:

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# Open the resolver up to CMU networks.
touch /var/dnscache/root/ip/128.2
touch /var/dnscache/root/ip/128.237

# Forward instead of doing recursive resolution.
echo 1 > /var/dnscache/env/FORWARDONLY
# To the Andrew DNS resolvers (IPs are correct as of 09 Feb 2014).
cat > /var/dnscache/root/servers/@ << END

# Fastpath and to the local tinydns/axfrdns servers.
# *Only* do this if the machine is in fact running tinydns and axfrdns!
echo «primary-ip» > /var/dnscache/root/servers/
echo «primary-ip» > /var/dnscache/root/servers/

## If the machine is not running tinydns/axfrdns, make it contact the
## authoritative club DNS servers for things in the club domains (IPs are
## correct as of 09 Feb 2014).
# cat > /var/dnscache/root/servers/ << END
# cp /var/dnscache/root/servers/ /var/dnscache/root/servers/

# Or a third alternative is to not create and files.
# That means the dnscache will need to contact andrew to resolve local names.

Start the Services at Boot

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svinitd-create tinydns axfrdns dnscache > /etc/init.d/dbndns
chmod a+x /etc/init.d/dbndns
update-rc.d dbndns defaults
