See also: kbare at CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU/Console Notes

If you want to redo a dongle or made a mistake, see D-Sub Pin Removal

mdille3 in an October 2012 email to operations:

Portmasters are set for 9600, using a cat5->DB25M on the portmaster side 
and a cat5->DB9F on the PC side, dongles wired using the "EIA561" standard 
that is "most standard" while also being the least common in practice. 
Green cat5 cables are our color standard.  If you can, just grab a 
cat5->DB9F dongle that says "X/O" on it lying around (the "X/O" is to 
indicate that it's also acting as a null-modem adapter, since portmasters 
are also DTEs/hosts).  The magic pinout is long stored at 

grub2 grub.cfg:
serial --unit=0 --speed=9600
terminal_input serial console
terminal_output serial console
set timeout=5

(little special for xen dom0 machines; for normal machines:)
console=tty0 console=ttyS0

T0:345:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt102

Contents of /afs/ at that time:

EIA561/RS232 Pinout Chart
20140612 ssosothi
20050319 mkasick
20041120 bucy
19950226 jhutz

  RJ45   DB9  DB25    Signal
  ====   ===  ====    ======
     6    3      2        TX 
     5    2      3        RX 
     8    7      4       RTS
     7    8      5       CTS
     4    5      7    Ground
     2    1      8       DCD
     3    4     20       DTR
     1    6      6       DSR
          9     22      Ring

Null Modem
Rx  <-> Tx

RJ45/D-sub dongles
1  Blue
2  Orange
3  Black
4  Red
5  Green
6  Yellow
7  Brown
8  White

Cisco:  RJ45    DB9     DB25    Signal
        ====    ====    ====    ======
        1       8       4       RTS
        2       6       6       DSR
        3       2       3       RX
        4                       Ground
        5       5       7       Ground
        6       3       2       TX
        7       4       20      DTR
        8       7       5       CTS

Poking at stuff, 2012.11.17

Keith made some dongles, and investigate the mysterious green black box dongles.

The green black box dongles have the following pinout:

RJ45    DE9
====    ====
   1       7 (RTS)
   2       4 (DTR)
   3       3  (TX)
   4       5 (GND)
   5      NC
   6       2  (RX)
   7       6 (DSR)
   8       8 (CTS)
   -       1  (CD)
   -       9  (RI)

This is almost like what the Cyclades we have uses:

   1 (RTS)
   2 (DTR)
   3 (TxD)
   4 (GND)
   5 (CTS)
   6 (RxD)
   7 (DCD)
   8 (DSR)

Pins 7/8 aren't quite right. However, without hardware flow control, that's fine.

Setting up Dell 2950 Serial Output

I (ssosothi) used these to setup Wheezy 7 with the Dell 2950s on rack 6 connected to the Cyclades

Ensure the BIOS Serial Communication settings are set as follows:

│ Serial Communication ....... On with Console Redirection via COM1   │
│ External Serial Connector .. COM1                                   │
│ Failsafe Baud Rate ......... 9600                                   │
│ Remote Terminal Type ....... VT100/VT220                            │
│ Redirection After Boot ..... Enabled                                │

Then make these changes on the host

# edit /etc/inittab
# Add T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100

sed -i.bak "s/^#\(.*ttyS0.*\)/\1/" /etc/inittab

# edit /etc/default/grub
# Add GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0"
# Add GRUB_TERMINAL=console

sed -i.bak "s/^\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"\).*\(\"\)/\1console=tty0 console=ttyS0 \2/"\

sed -i.bak "s/^#\(.*GRUB_TERMINAL=console.*\)/\1/" /etc/default/grub


# edit /etc/rc.local Unless you like BOLD
# add echo -e \\033c

sed -i.bak "s/^\(exit 0\)$/echo -e \\\\\\\033c;\n\\1/" /etc/rc.local

Other Informative Documentation/Serial Consoles (last edited 2014-07-23 07:48:13 by ssosothi@CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU)