Hope everyone has thawed out from last week.
- Meetings are in PH A19, 17:30-19:00.
- Elections will be Tuesday, 19 March.
- Demosplash meetings will be on Wednesdays at 18:00, WEH 312.
Talk series
- Buzzword Soup is rescheduled to tomorrow because of the cold weather last week. Same room (NSH 3002), same time (19:30). Mail has been sent to announces19 and members.
See the talk schedule and up-to-date potential talk topics here.
- We have NSH 3002 from 19:30 onwards for the first two talks, according to Catherine. If we like the room, she can put in the request for the remaining weeks.
- We should advertise on Facebook as we used to. This requires us to confirm talks farther in advance than we did the last few semesters.
- Various professors will be gently and inquisitively poked in the near future.
Club Shirts?
- Not allowed to use JFC funds for shirts, but maybe gift.
- tjjohans has been unanimously voted as shirt designer. He has accepted responsibility and is On It.
- If someone gripes about our logo having "Carnegie Mellon" on it in any way, Catherine has agreed to defend us.
- Will send out a preorder/shirt interest form once a design is finalized.
Budget "Fun"
- Turns out that the problem is on SLICE's end. They continue to not have refunded us. tparenti has emailed again, it's been two weeks.
- Batteries arrived, brought to B6 and swapped in last Saturday.
Normal Budget
See here for budget spreadsheet.
- Now we just sit and wait until April.
- They're inviting us to display some of our machines on 22 February. Sounds good to us.
- All we need to tell them is that we need a food-free zone with power, tjjohans sent mail and they haven't responded yet. Their website lists us from 17:30-19:30, but we don't know how much space/power/time for setup/teardown we have.
- lroop has offered to bring retro.
Retro Game Night
- Let's ask Catherine for usable times/location
- Still need to do that because everything got cold last week.
Ops Update
- Rack 6 in the process of being cleared
- Wean machine needs to be moved to WEH
- whelk has been upgraded and everything seems normal, oyster is next
- Contrib project in progress