27 Jan 2024 Attendance: apourkav, dabujabe, etc (..)
WINTER FAIR - No dice (whoops)
- - Historically, Feb/Mar "as able" - SLICE "Late night," funds for late night events -
- What's the process, vaguely?
- - e-mail on mailing list requesting for machines (early) - get room - get snacks - set up, do the thing, pack up
- Location:
- - UC Black Chairs - UC Common (+ signs at the black chairs)
TALK SERIES - Mailling list
- Topics??
- - dabujabe: groff and photonics - apourkav: net folding project (sry)
- Targets to request:
- - Tom Zajdel is big into amateur radio - Brandon Lucca is big into low power computing
DEMOSPLASH MEETINGS - Converging on Wednesday at 7PM - Starting in Feburary (likely the 7th or 14th)
RECRUITMENT - It's oughta happen. 'nuf said.