Perusing /afs/ one day, I found something interesting. Apparently some time during the 80s, some Computer Club members started writing an adventure game set at Carnegie Mellon. While it's not very playable, it can be amusing to see an 80s perspective of the university.
How do you run it?
The CMU adventure game was written in AdvSys, a LISP-like language for writing adventure games. From what I can gather, it appears that club members were either responsible for writing AdvSys, or at least were involved in adding enhancements.
Where can I get AdvSys?
The non-ANSI version has a few issues compiling (if I recall correctly, the code wasn't passing an argument to exit() in a few places), but the ANSI version compiles without trouble. You'll need to edit makefile (take note of the string "cl0x"). You'll want to make advcom and advint.
It turns out that the package with the ANSI version doesn't have a patch necessary to run the adventure game correctly. You'll need to use the non-ANSI version, and apply newadv.pch (which is included in the tar ball). You can fix the exit() issues with this patch.
You can retrieve the adventure game source from /afs/ The Makefile in that directory should work, assuming advcom is in your PATH. It will "compile" the adventure game into cmu.dat.
Now you can run the game with advint. Enjoy.
The Condensed Version
For Linux:
- Download Advsys.tar.Z (the non ANSI version)
- Untar it
Apply the newadv.pch patch [patch < newadv.pch]
Download this patch
Apply the exit-arg.diff patch [patch < exit-arg.diff]
- Make advcom and advint
- Add these binarys to your PATH
- Copy the Adventure game files from /afs/
- Make the game
- Run advint cmu