During the Cyert Hall shutdown in May 2013, we discovered a xen crash due to serial port misconfiguration that causes an endless reboot cycle. This was observed on two 2850 dom0s running Debian Squeeze.

Procedure for solving:

  1. In grub menu, choose a non-xen kernel and edit the command line to remove all of the serial settings
  2. Run dpkg-reconfigure setserial and choose manual configuration

  3. Edit the file /var/lib/setserial/autoserial.conf

    1. Comment the ttyS# lines at the bottom of the file
    2. Remove the line at the top of the file ###PORT STATE GENERATED USING AUTOSAVE-ONCE###

  4. Disable the autostart services setserial and etc/setserial from the initscripts

  5. Reboot the machine

Other Informative Documentation/Xen serial error (last edited 2013-05-03 13:23:17 by scgruber@CLUB.CC.CMU.EDU)