Meeting Minutes 2013-04-02
- Officer Reports
- Budget!
- there was shenanigans around JFC meeting
- possibly our rep did not show
- KVM == $250
- seems like they just googled KVM
- Retro oh noes!
- possibly related to mentioning rejecting donations?
- should be able to get back addons
- Server upgrades?
- Maybe referring to them as club machines was confusing?
- "non-negotiable expense" is the phrase to use
- put things in scale: budget can't buy _one_ of our machines
- bad precedent is being set with aligning maintainence and donations
- Do we want to fight on the storage bins (what is UCAB?)
- Could just buy with gift account and call it a day
- do they think the machine room is in the UC?
- do they know how much internet costs?
- game creation society
- We can live with raising more money from T-Shirts
- Must submit contestation by Friday
- there was shenanigans around JFC meeting
- Budget!
- Operations
- Machine Consolidation
- should designate machiens as depricated
- i.e., no more machines created here
- should designate machiens as depricated
NetApp storage
- Wheezy build
- we should get this done soon
- anyone else interested in working on it
- Offsite Storage
- JFC wants us to have this, we should move stuff in before the summer
- Arch Mirror
- setting up as test for netapp gear
- global motd getting creaky
- can we fix the Etch on Alphas our webserver displays?
- motd has been updated
- Machine Consolidation
- Projects
- Gripe
- DNS configuration generator
- Split up into separate files and concatenate after edit
- this would be extremely difficult to write
- mkasick worked on this at one point apparently
- stopped because difficult?
- Events
- Retro Gaming Night
- Set up takes an hour, let's make SURE we have an hour next time
- Projector in hall was a success
- Oops returning it
- mdille3 got to oregon, that's all that matters
- this seemed to be pretty popular
- Debriefing with Sarah Fiore sometime this week
- scgruber, cpreseau, anybody else?
- Spring Movie
- Finals Week day before reading day?
- What movie?
- Retro Gaming Night
- Revision report
- slide got into idle rotation (woo!)
- everyone wants our gear
- should we consider running parties?